Tag Archives: blogs

A confession to my imaginary readers

30 Oct

It’s true.

I’ve never had a blog before. I’m not used to people actually reading the things I write. And honestly, the idea of it scares me. See, nothing makes me more uncomfortable than the attention of others. I once gave a three minute English speech in thirty seconds.

But inexplicably, contradictorally(it’s a word now.), I love to talk. maybe more than anything in the world. This makes things harder than they should be. There are a lot of ideas in my head, and I have nothing to do with them.

Hence the blog.

I don’t know if anyone will read this. Maybe. But it’s a place for me to put my ideas and whatever else pops into my head without all the stammering and cold sweat. Because it’s the internet. No matter what I say, there will always be people a lot worse than me.

This blog, imaginary(probably) reader, is going to be about movies. You may have gotten that from the title, maybe not. I was going for subtlety.

I am, if I do say so myself, pretty damn good at talking about movies. They’re a lot like books – there’s a good amount of philosophy hidden in the good ones. So that’s what I’ll be doing here. I’ll know I’ve done a good job if people are commenting on my posts, because that means I’ve said something worth talking about. Even if you just want to offer criticism or tell me I suck, please do. I can probably take it.

It’s the internet, after all.